The overall tendency for anything that rises too fast is that it equally plummets as suddenly as it gained ground. But this won’t be the case with the On-Demand economy. Although a majority of businesses today are still operating on the traditional model that has been in operation since time immemorial, more and more owners are realizing that On-Demand and its advantages are here to stay. That’s why more and more industry leaders are embracing this model. Here are just a few of what these companies are doing to embrace the On-Demand Business concept.
- Ford Motors, in partnership with Uber and Lyft recently launched a platform called SharedStreets.
- It’s a data platform intended to enable the private sector collaborate with cities on enhancing city mobility by leveraging data.
- Toyota, together with Mazda, Pizza Hut, Uber, Amazon and Didi, have developed an autonomous shuttle to be used in delivering people and orders to their destinations.
- General Motors has launched a Cadillac subscription service that allows members to experience 18 varied types of Cadillacs in a year in a service dubbed the BOOK.